How Do You Know If You Are Ready To Take Your USMLE?
How Do You Know If You Are Ready To Take Your USMLE? For those savvy doctors preparing to take the test, the answer is that you never actually really know. You just feel it! It is in the mind. You can only prepare to the best of your ability for the USMLE, but there are certain steps to assist you and make it doable such that you can pass each Step of the USMLE.
You must follow each of the ’15 Steps to Pass the USMLE’ in a specific manner to guarantee that you will be ready to take the test. You have to do them all together without hesitation in order for them to work. As a matter of fact my program the USMLE Master System was created with this in mind.
Once you have completed your studies, take an NBME practice exam. Your score on this practice test is very depictive of what you would make on the actual USMLE Step. I recommend you pass at least two of these during your studies to reassure your passing score on your USMLE Step you are taking. You must give yourself a comfy cushion of at least twenty to forty points to ensure success in case you have a harder examination than the practice tests you have taken. If the score on your practice test is not passing or not in the range of your choice, re-focus the effort of your studies towards your lowest scoring areas first and then continue until you have covered all areas again. Test, then re-test again until you achieve two passing scores on these practice tests.
DO NOT walk into the testing center to take your USMLE Step until you feel that you have reached the point at which you cannot take another day of studying. You know that you will be prepared when while attempting to do a given question; you are able to anticipate the answer before reading the entire question or the answer choices. There is just an exploding feeling that testers get, and that will be the time you will know you are ready to take and pass your USMLE Step.
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