What is an appropriate study time period for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE)? Since each test taker is unique, this is going to vary from person to person. The standard length of time for preparation is anywhere from six to eight weeks. If you have not done so already, you should check out what typical daily & monthly schedules look like for successful candidates. Needless to say, this differs among test-takers due to their levels of understanding of each subject matter.
Each Step of the USMLE is written differently from the others, even though they all test the same topics. Because each Step gets progressively more difficult, more time may need to be allotted to review all the additional information to get you prepared for your examination.
If you made a low score or had any failures on your USMLE Step 1, you may need longer than two months to prepare successfully for your USMLE Step 2 Clinical Knowledge. Seek assistance from a USMLE review program to give yourself a fighting chance to pass your examination. Residency programs look for candidates with no failures and improving scores of their USMLE Steps.
Do not take your actual USMLE Step until you know you will pass the exam. You should pass at least two practice examinations, preferably by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) before taking your real test. NBME is the company that administers the actual USMLE and is very familiar with the style and type of questions that will be asked on your test….so use them to prepare for the actual exam.
Upon passing the two practice exams you should then register and take your actual USMLE Step. Try to take your exam soon after passing these exams to ensure your knowledge stays at its peak and you will pass your examination. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.